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Tips for Keeping your Office or Clean House During the Winter Months

Winter is here, and as we all know, it comes with a lot of accumulated dirt, salt, and often even snow in your home or office. This dirt can come from many different places from the muddy feet of your guests or clients, to accumulated dust in your carpets. These can turn your home into a messy chaos before you know it.

It is time to slip your cleaning gloves on and use these tips to keep your home or office clean during winter, and you will be in sparkling shape in no time.

Prepare your entrance

It is no news that a very high percentage of the dirt that gets into the house or office is mainly through the front door. Making sure that the dirt stays out or maintaining a minimal entry into the home is very important; place very rough doormats (made from wood or coir) at the entrance so visitors can wipe off snow and mud before entering the house.

Clean your radiators (if you have them)

Heating is essential to keep warm in winter. As such, it is equally important to ensure your radiators are clean and in good shape. A clean radiator allows for proper circulation of heat, use a damp cloth dipped in vinegar to do the cleaning, and your radiator is ready to give you a warm and cozy home.

Vacuum often

If not vacuumed daily, the carpets in the house tend to harbor dust, pet hairs, and bacteria. To fully enjoy a comfortable, warm, and cozy home in winter, it is advised you clean your carpets thoroughly by vacuuming.

Clean your windows

When the winter sun shines through your windows, you can see some smears and streaks, especially if you have a fireplace. Clean your windows using a wet cloth; clean the frames first before wiping the window glasses.

Sweep your chimney (if you have one)

Before lighting your fireplace or stoves, ensure you have cleaned your chimney thoroughly, as this will help prevent a chimney fire. It also improves the quality of air circulation within the house.

Look out for hidden dirt and germs

There are some areas and surfaces in the house that we often forget to clean, and these things can harbor dirt, bacteria, and viruses for several weeks. For example, TV remotes, laptop keyboards, and door handles clean these surfaces using a disinfectant or a vinegar-based cleaning liquid.

Wash your curtains and shutters

You may not realize it, but curtains harbor a lot of dust particles and pollen. It is advised that you wash them at least twice a year in the washing machine. Washing them gives your room that fresh, sparkly look.

Deep Clean the floors

Deep clean your hard floors, from the tile in hallways to laminated floors. Deep cleaning removes stubborn dirt and scuff marks that have accumulated over time.

Always vacuum first or sweep to remove debris, then use a wet mop or steamer to finish. But be sure to use the right tool suitable for your floor type.

Do you need professional cleaners for your home and offices? Contact Pashminatoo to give your home a clean lift. Our group of professionals will give you value for your money.

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